Did you know that Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) nutrition has a lot in common with the cuisine of our grandmothers and great-grandmothers? Both are based on a wealth of experience that draws on an ancient knowledge of mankind. The nutrition theory according to Traditional Chinese Medicine is based on thousands of years of knowledge, observations and wisdom. In my nutrition coaching practice, I combine this ancient wisdom with modern nutrition science research. Besides, putting all this theoretical knowledge into easy to follow practical steps is near and dear to my heart.


Finding the nutrition that worked for my body was an absolute game changer for me and totally turned things around in the way I nourish myself with food. It helped me to create a life full of abundant energy in a body that feels at ease. I want to share what I learned with you, so you can experience the same well-being. Read more about my nutrition journey.


I am offering nutrition consultations and programs individually designed for my client’s bodies and needs as we are all different. The same dietary advice is not applicable to everyone. Your lifestyle and eating patterns must be taken into consideration when you begin to make adjustments toward regulating your diet. Changes have to be reasonable, so that you can adapt to them easily and can sustain them. This way, you are less likely to revert to old ways of eating habits. You need to find what works and keeps you healthy, happy and well. I am here to guide you to make the decisions that work for you in the long run and am looking forward to support you on your journey.


Nutrition coaching will help you take charge of your health and well-being. I will be at your side, so you can find the courage to make new food choices and try alternative ways of eating while listening to the sensations in your body. Step by step, I will guide you to make small adjustments, trying new things and letting go of some old ones. Together, we will discover what is beneficial for your body while taking your preferences and lifestyle into consideration. And even if you can’t imagine how these small steps can lead to lasting changes, I promise to help you keep going and be patient to reach the results you are looking for.

I will hold you capable to take action and make changes.

I am here to encourage you to keep going to reach the long lasting change you desire.

Through my nutrition consultations and programs, I am confident you will gain the tools and knowledge to find a way of eating that suits your uniqueness, so you can feel at your best in your body and in your life.

What my customers say


I feel so much better after three months of eating in a new way! My atopic eczema has lessened tremendously.


After my meals, I often felt bloated but through the changes I implemented, the bloating is gone.


Amazing how small changes can make such a huge difference. My digestion is so much better.

Nutrition Coaching Consultations

A 1-hour session suitable for discussion of a topic that does not require follow up and intensive coaching

In depth intake plus 5 follow up sessions  including personalized recipes, info sheets, ongoing mail support


Let me support you through an intensive program of 11 sessions including an in depth intake, personalized recipes, info sheets, ongoing mail support

Get coached


My nutrition coaching program is designed to help you truly transform the way you are nourishing yourself with food. Shift your beliefs about food, try new ways and implement changes through powerful live coaching sessions. Next to live coaching, you receive info material, graphics, food charts, eating guidelines and recipes. We work with a food diary to track your consumption, goals and milestones for you to reach the desired results you are looking for. Between the nutrition coaching appointments, I am available to answer questions and cheer you up when you need support to keep going.